After clearing the written test in CDSE, the candidates have to go through a series of personality tests, which is called the Service Selection Board. Irrespective of the force you have applied for, all have to face this interview, it means that all candidates who have cleared the written exam have to face this interview. It is just the second stage of any normal job exam selection process, where the second stage is the interview stage. However this interview i.e. the CDS interview is entirely different from a normal job interview. The process is the same for all the wings, i.e. IMA, OTA, NA, and AFA. The only difference is that the candidates are called for SSB as per their marks, i.e. the cutoff marks for these vary, the cutoff for OTA is lower than AFA, AFA has mostly the highest cutoff.
So coming to the Interview procedure of CDS. The interview is a five-day process for all OTA, IMA and NA and AFA. This interview commonly known as SSB has different types of tests to judge a person’s personality. In the end, the selection is made by the board on the basis of deductions drawn by different people who took the interview. SSB consists of three types of tests.
The first day in SSB is the Screening day. On this day two tests take place. This testing is commonly known as the Stage-I testing, those candidates who qualify for this stage are retained for the rest remaining days the others are routed back to the station. Generally, the number of reporting is high and some of the people who report are totally undesirable for the forces so this is a broad filter that takes in such people who the Board feels are desirable and can be tested for the OLQ’s. Firstly you are allotted a chest number after the crowd has been divided on the basis of Freshers, Conference outs, and Screened Outs. Then groups of 16-18 candidates are made. This test consists of two tests Officer’s Intelligence and Rating-test which consists of simple reasoning questions and Picture Perception and Description Test(PPDT) which asks you to write a story along with age, sex and mood of the character which you see in the shown hazy picture (picture is shown for 30 seconds, you have to write age, etc. in 1 minute and story in 4 minutes). Thereafter you are required to narrate your story in front of three members of the board and then discuss and arrive at a common story there only. Then nominate a person who will tell your group story to the members of the board present there. After these results are announced and around 50% of the people are selected for further testing rest are routed back to the railway station. Then you are allotted fresh chest numbers and new groups are made consisting of about 8-9 candidates.

Psychological Tests: This is a battery of four continuous tests which continue for about 2 hours without any break. First, there is TAT or Thematic Apperception Test in which 11+1 picture slides are shown and you have to write a story on the picture. Each picture is shown for 30 seconds and you have to write the story in 4 minutes, the last one is a blank picture. Then you have WAT or Word Association Test where a word is shown for 15 seconds and you have to see and write your response on that word in 15 seconds, total 60 words are shown. Then comes SRT or Situation Reaction Test where you have to give your reaction 60 day to day situations in 30 minutes. Lastly, you have SD or Self-Description Test where you have to write a paragraph each on what your family, teachers, classmates (friends) and you think about yourself. GT Series: Group Task Series is again a battery of tests which consists of 9 different types of tests which you have to perform in group and is conducted by a Group Testing Officer. They are conducted in a span of two days. They are:
- Group Discussion
- Group Planning Exercise (Military Planning Exercise)
- Progressive Group task
- Group Obstacle Race (Snake race)
- Half Group Task
- Lecturette
- Individual Obstacles
- Command Task
- Final Group Task
Interview: A personal Interview is conducted which is taken by a senior officer or the president of the board. In this exercise, the candidate is in direct conversation with the Interviewing Officer and the Interview is conducted for 35-40 minutes. The Interview is conducted on the basis of the Personnel Information Questionnaire Form (PIQ) which is filled by the candidate on their arrival to the SSB Board.
Also Read: 5 Days Procedure In SSB Interview 2021
Conference: This is like the conclusion of the SSB Stay of a candidate. This is the Final day generally (Except for AFA Candidates). On this final day, the fate of the candidate is decided and thus it is an important day. The candidates are required to appear one by one in front of the complete Board of Officers comprising of the President of the board, Deputy President, Group Testing Officers, Psychologists. Then in the end PABT/CPSS is conducted for the flying branch candidates (AFA Candidates) who are recommended. This brings an end to the Interview procedure. The decision is made by matching your actions with your thought process and words, i.e. what you write in the psych tests must match with your conduct in the GT series and with your personality which you reflect while talking to the Interviewing Officer. The recommended candidates are sent for medicals and then all wait for the merit list, since NA, AFA has fewer vacancies their merit lists are very tough. The merit list is prepared by counting the marks of both written and SSB. Being true and reflect your true personality is the mantra of cracking SSB.