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Question PaperAFCATAFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper

AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper

AFCAT 2 2016 written exam is over now, and we hope all of you have done well in your exam. Through our Facebook page, we have tried getting questions from AFCAT 2 2016. We have consolidated all questions and prepared AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper. As you know, IAF don’t let us go with the question paper after the examination, few aspirants have helped us to gather questions based on their memory. Hope you will like this effort, we would take some time to collect the original question paper of AFCAT 2/2016.

AFCAT 2 2013 Question Paper And Answers

AFCAT 2 2016 Marking Scheme

  1. Total Questions: 100
  2. Total Marks: 300
  3. Correct Answer: +3
  4. Wrong Answer: -1

AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper

We will update the question paper soon.

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    expected cut off 127-132
    subject no of average correct answers expected cut off marks

    gk- 5 15
    english 5 15
    maths 15 45
    verbal reasoning 9 27
    non verbal rea 15 45
    TOTAL = 147
    no of average negative attempted question = 15-20 so negative marking = 15-20

    SO CUT OFF MARKS ==================127
    MAXIMUM CUT OFF====================132

  2. please post about non verbal reasoning questions asked in xam like a dark Point and Hollow point placed on the corners of lines separated by 45 degree angle….what will be correct answer..

  3. 1)if shef is for resturant than druggist is for :

    a)medicine b)pharmacy c)store d)chemist

    2) if on childrens day ,sweets were to be distributed among 540 childrens but on the same day 120 students were absent so 4 more sweets were distributed among each children,so waht is the number of sweets were to be distributed orignally ?

    a)14 b)18 c)20 d)22

    3)if on wednesday a watch was 3 min slow at 5 pm and was 5 min fast at 11 pm than the watch showed the correct timing at time :

    a)tuesday,4:15 PM

    b)wednesday 8:15 AM

    c)wednesday 7:20 AM

    d)none of these…



    5)IF a seller sells a flat for rs 45000 an he gains 1/8 of the seeling price than at what price he should sell it get a 5 % loss…..

    ANS was = 38000

    6)if a retailer gets a commision of 10 % on selling a flat and a bonus of 2.5 % if the sale exceeds 10000 rs ,if in a month if he makes a profit of rs 2875 than his sale was of rs…….

    a) 20000 b)21000 c)23000 d)28000

  4. 1) a certain sum of money at simple interest to 1260 for 2 yrs and 1350 for 5 yrs . find r % p.a?
    2) abcd consecutive odd nos and their avg. is 42. find b*d?
    3) what is azimuth angle ?
    4) which was known to old stone age ? a) hunting b) domestication of animals c) agriculture d)don’t know ?
    5) who don’t get the padam shree award ? a) shridevi kapoor b) paraksh jha c) &d) forget
    6)how many words will be formed from “laproscopy” letters used only once ?


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