Since last AFCAT i.e AFCAT 01/2013, Indian Air Force has introduced the OMR sheet which has replaced the normal answer sheet which was in use. Unlike earlier, Indian Air Force will be checking the answers with less human interaction, this will help them to reduce the discrepancies happened earlier.
But, candidates need to be more careful with OMR sheets and avoid making mistakes while marking the answers. Below are few instructions for candidates on how to mark AFCAT OMR sheet correctly.
Instructions for Marking AFCAT OMR answer sheet
- Use BLUE/BLACK BALL POINT PEN to darken the ovals and for filling up the boxes. Pencil is not to be used.
- Mark your Answer only in the appropriate space against the answer number corresponding to the question you are answering.
- Darken the complete ovals as your response. No change of option in answering a question is permitted.
- Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet.
- No rough work is to be done on the OMR answer sheet. For rough work a blank sheet will be provided.
- Do not fold or tear/mutilate the OMR answer sheet.
- Marking or writing on the Question Paper is prohibited. This will lead to cancellation of candidature.
- Duration of Test will be Two hours.
- Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. There will be no negative mark for question not attempted.
- Using unfair means will result into cancellation of candidature.
- Candidates are not to leave the Examination Hall without the permission of invigilators.
I have shaded my name wrongly does that mean I m disqualified