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Personal InterviewTips6 Must Follow Tips For Personal Interview In SSB Interview

6 Must Follow Tips For Personal Interview In SSB Interview

Be clear about facts and figures regarding your biodata, and marks obtained. ranking in competitive exams, dates, name of school/institute, teachers, friends etc.

For candidates, the personal interview which is also called PI is the key factor and a game changer as well. Most of us take it as normal and do not put effort to get more marks in PI, though it is not necessary to do something extraordinary and additional efforts, still, there are do’s which every candidate must follow in the personal interview.

Why Personal Interview is Crucial

  1. IO [Interviewing Officer], is the only person in the whole SSB who talks with you for more than 40- 50 mins continuously, related to your personal life, goals, attachments, success, failures, and whatnot. In other words, he has more information about you compared to any other accessor in the board.
  2. He will come to know, what you are, from what you speak in front of him.
  3. He knows your failures and hardships you have faced in your life, in short, he can decide whether you have the potential to become an officer in the Indian armed forces or not.
  4. He can convince GTO if your GTO marks are less, only if he finds you mentally stronger.

We can not fool a person who talks with us continuously for 40 -50 mins that too with back-to-back questions. IOs are experienced like anything, they might know your answer before you open your mouth. In short, if you go without preparation, you will cut short your chances of getting in.


Tips for Personal Interview in SSB

  1. Look smart, cheerful, and enthusiastic.
  2. Be audible but not too loud and appear keen to speak and respond to the questions.
  3. Sit straight and comfortable, do not fidget, and do not keep moving your hands and legs as it may distract the interviewer from your responses.
  4. If you have not understood anything politely ask for clarification or to repeat the question.
  5. Be clear about facts and figures regarding your biodata, and marks obtained. ranking in competitive exams, dates, name of school/institute, teachers, friends etc.
  6. I do not remember” on aspects pertaining to your life, shows you in poor light.
  7. You are expected to be aware so as to touch upon current events if asked.

What do you do during a personal interview, what is your funda to keep yourself cool and calm during PI ?? Please post your responses in the comment box below.

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  1. this is not the appropriate way to answer the interviewer . You could have lied”Sir as my family has taught me some values I don’t participate in such activities.

  2. To remove my nervousness before interiew I remind d best bart of m life n m achievements n strengths…n ince d interview started things gets nrml within 5-10 mins…n sumply enjoy d intrw by nt lying un intrw…

  3. thanks for this awesome blog..I attended the AFSB..some question in the PI round became more personal like
    1.do u watch po*n?
    2.have any physical relation with ur gf?
    On this kinda personal question my reply was “i can’t disclose my personal info 2 u”

  4. when we talk to our juniors we always speak confidently…and more logically bt when we r sitting before io we dont even to speak properly…if we can think the person is our junior then we can gain confidence must try….

  5. According to me you just need to be positive and approachable without appearing fake . Secondly you should have the required knowledge about the organization and job profile for which you are going to get interviewed. Thirdly you must show your passion openly to the interviewer .And lastly except browsing you should talk to people who work for the company and just find out from them that what they actually look for in a candidate. These all are the key points that a candidate must learn before going for any personal interview . Read more interview tips here : http://www.jobotix.com/category/interview-tips

    • give a bold smile and say sorry sir idont know………… bcoz noone is perfect and he ask some difficult qn to see ur confidence and he doen not aspect answer of every qn……………..

  6. During my past interviews I faced issues in Rapid fires. I was unable to remember and answer all the Rapid fire questions and it affected my entire interview.Please suggest any method to improve rapid fire skills.

  7. I think one should be prepared with basic general knowledge about national and international news and meaning of his and his family members’ names ..All other questions if asked about goals and personal life need no preparation and can be answered easily but should be done with confidence and truthness with eye to eye contact with interviewee..

    What do you think admin,vandematram and other guys?????????????

  8. Sir, what i do is daily from my schedule i take out 15 mins infront of mirror speaking about myself…
    when done so i myself gets updated of what i am doing, what i have done and what i will be doing. It also builds confidence in me
    Admin sir if my method is not upto the mark then plz suggest some alternative method

  9. Just give a nice true smile 🙂 while entering the room and listen to him carefully and then give the answer with confidence not over confidence woh bhi genuine even if he is showing that he is not interested in listening to you. You need not not distract ur self by his this gesture OK.

    Good Luck Gentlemen
    Give your best in everything you choose to do not just for the sake of a good job but for paritcular passion in life.

  10. I basically try to take it as its not important and I am in front of my school principal,who knows me very well for years so no point lying to him or brag about my achievements.I just answer him and carefully notice the hint that he give me about my responses and adjust accordingly 🙂

  11. sir according to me i think before going to SSB i have planned to write as many question as poosible starting from my life till now in a separate note bok and asnswer those question to my self and then access if it was right or wrong
    in that way i will be confidence and i can face interview in well manner
    i can take deep breath befre entring room and sit down calm and start interacting but the key again is the questions they i wrote already in note book and introspection that i did of my past life
    what do you think admin am i going in a right way ???

    amit sharma

    • That is fine, but you must be able to speak there, sometimes when we speak in nervousness, though we are speaking truth, it gets projected as a lie. So more practice can helps a lot. Also no need of going deep inside in your life, but be aware of your basic information, your past and things related to your parents, friends and relatives. 🙂

    • Bro it is very good way to be cconfident ……but this is good only to the oint if u r using this writing thing to introspection ur self….. if u start cramming these answer then it will creat a problem for u, it will not increas ur confidence but make u more nervous

    • Bro it is very good way to be cconfident ……but this is good only to the oint if u r using this writing thing to introspection ur self….. if u start cramming these answer then it will creat a problem for u, it will not increas ur confidence but make u more nervous


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